
Adding Color to Personal Pictures

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Resolve~Inspire, A Worthwhile Support Site for Everyone

Resolve originally began to help families who were interested in adoption. Now the site has expanded it's offerings & has support for women with fertility issues. If you care to look further the site offers support in most any area you might need it regarding health. I highly recommend the site & have found comfort, as well as answers to issues I am facing trying to conceive. I would not except doctors telling me I have ''old eggs'' or let's just call it "unexplained infertility'' as another way of looking at it.

In my journey of seeing over 6 different doctors to find answers to my burning question of why have I suffered 4 consecutive miscarriages, I have begun to believe we are our only advocate in this quest to better understand our bodies & why they might fail us. We have to request tests that are beyond the usual surface testing done by most doctors, we need to do our own research, we need to find our own answers. I truly feel the more we look into our own health the better chance we have in healing what might ail us.

My next step is to find a clinic that might consider me for Natural Cycle IVF, using my own eggs. Our local clinic who has a monoply on infertility treatment in Maryland & Virginia will only offer me an egg donor program, nothing more than that. If I am ovulating regularly each month why not use my own eggs? We only need one good egg to make a baby.

I hope this site can help you in whatever you may be going through. My only experience using it has been due to infertility issues. I wish you well.

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