My dear friend Carol R. comes to Maryland every year to visit us. Carol lives in Pacific Heights in San Francisco. We became friends when I lived & worked there about 15 yrs ago. We both worked at Tiffany & Co. on Post Street right on Union Square. We have had many adventures together, the ones from "then" & the ones from now!
On this trip Carol wanted seafood, specifically crabs, so off we went in the middle of the night in search of crabs to eat. We wound up as per usual at Jimmy Cantlers Riverside Inn.
We also went fossil hunting at Brownies Beach, Calvert County. In Chesapeake Beach we (Wyeth & I) presented Carol with a bag of local goodies from Maryland. In the bag was a "Bite Me" t-shirt w/ crabs on it. Carol had told me of her brother-in-law in NJ & sister who go crabbing on their very own boat. In doing so, they must be aware of Carols love of all things seafood, anyway, they never ever take her or even offered her a crab to eat? She simply does not understand why considering her love of all crustaceans, especially crabs of all varieties! Upon her departure here Carol headed back up to NJ to spend more time w/ her family (she if from NJ)& no sharing of the crab sis & bro-in-law. She was wearing her new MD crab t-shirt and somehow she found herself on her bro-in-laws boat crabbing after this activity eluded her for the last 20 plus years. Here she is wearing her shirt, catching crabs!
After catching a dozen jumbos Carol could not bear to eat them after seeing them steamed to death! She said it was not the same as having them arrive hot, spicy, & delicious on a tray. What would she think of what they do to soft shells, they are the veal of crabs!
We love you Carol and look forward to seeing you next year. Love, Us Duffy Family
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