
Adding Color to Personal Pictures

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hunting for the Best Price~Online

IPod touch with software upgrade and web clipsImage via Wikipedia
How many times have you bought an item only to find out the price was reduced days later.  If you are like me & prefer a deal to buying full on retail here is an amazing way to keep track of just about anything that might be on your shopping list.  The site will alert you on a price change via your email. 

A new site that has yet to prove itself is: . Upon shopping for an item such as a camera or video games, a small bar will open & give you better prices on the web if available.  You do have to download this tool first, it is free. 

Mobile coupons via an APP called Yowza!  Coupons can be sent directly to your iPod Touch or iPhone where the cashier can directly scan your discount.  Cool! 

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