Making a conscience decision to end your relationship with your tried & true deodorant is risky business if you tend to be a sweater, which I have been my entire adult life. Sweating stinks, plain & simple. Not being able to wear silk, also stinks. Wondering if there are stains under your arms, equally awful. Finding a deodorant that works can be a time consumer & costly. My most recent relatioship: Dove Clinical Protection (about $8.00) in the orginal clean scent or lack of scent to be my preference, is over. How many times for how many reason have I given up deodorants, the reason is the main ingredient in 98% of all deodorants on the market: aluminum-based compounds.
Some of the accusations against this main ingredient are: memory loss, cancer, osteoporosis and the horrid list goes on..if you question me, just google it. The latest claim that using this type of deodorant can prevent my body from absorbing calcium, hence, brittle bones or worse.
It is again time to hunt down a product that prevents sweating, smelling & embarrassment without the risk of killing me. Crystal. There is a brand recommended by doctors, as per my sister-in-law who no longer wears aluminum based deodorants, yes, she has had breast cancer, she suggested Crystal to me over the holidays. I am now using it with contented results. Save yourself, your health, your body's right to avoid dangers that are lurking most everywhere by changing one tiny part of your morning routine, if you have not already. Not only is Crystal free of aluminum, it also states it has a hypoallergenic fragrance & is paraben free (we would need a whole other article for this assailant), endorsed by Cancer Treatment Centers, safe for the environment & made from natural mineral salts, oh, and it actually works!
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