
Adding Color to Personal Pictures

Monday, January 10, 2011

Scrapbooking Glamorous, Not Possible, Yes Very Possible

Twice in less than a month I have come in contact with articles pertaining to scrapbooking(not your everyday/average suburban type) as a form of art?  I had always thought that an oxymoron.  Not the case. I have several travel scrapbooks (Mexico & Turkey) that I personally love, but never understood the notion of everyday (ok dull) women dedicating social outing time (evenings & entire weekends), rooms in their homes, hours of their day, & a good deal of money to make some cheesy "memory" book.  I still think most of it cheesy, but have gained a new light with the concept of a place to keep collected ephemeral inspiration for beauty's sake in a bound book.  I shant knock beauty.  As said to a dear friend recently, "beauty is stimulation."  Why not encapsulate it in a book?  The idea keeps growing. Fancy the idea of a scrapbook for my garden, my dream outfits, outfits in my closet, friends, home decor, destinations still on my check list, the list
truly endless...

Cecil Beaton portraits are lush.  Just ponder the idea of getting inside his head for a moment, inside his own coveted scrapbook.  Inside fluttering around would be a magical experience: dreamscapes of Russian Dancers, blueprints for his costume designs, exotic women such as Jane Birkin, Greta Garbo, Jacqueline de Ribes, let's not degate locales from private islands to the casbah's of Morocco. Not much can compete with the glamour he was surrounded by or lived with, so yes, yes indeed I want to savor time in Mr. Beaton's scrapbook, which is now available for purchase.

Who would have thought the likes of Deeda Blair, Lauren Santo Domingo, Albert Hadley, & Coco Brandolini are scrapbooking? Facinating. It seems like scrapbooking has taken on new heights while I smuggly thought so little of this perhaps new "art form" amongst us.

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