
Adding Color to Personal Pictures

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Color Do You Think of When You Think of Honeysuckle?

With all the rage over 2011's color of the year chosen by Pantone, I'm thinking "The Emperor's New Clothes" more than excitement.  The color is glorious for a gal who adores most anything pink, but I don't think of pink & honeysuckle in the same thought-process.  When I think of honeysuckle I think of various golden tones, even white, I don't think pink. Where do these pink honeysuckles grow?  They are no where in the state of Maryland where I was raised.  I simply have never seen one growing wild, a pink one that is.  Isn't that one of the beauties of honeysuckles, they just grow most anywhere tending to thrive off the beaten path.  It was always an adventure going out to look for honeysuckles when I was a young girl.  Later as a young woman we would hop off our horses when finding a massive patch to taste & savor the sweetness in the warmth of summer.  Still no pink coming to mind. 

If this is an attempt to jump start the mood of the nation by picking a cheery color, I fully support the efforts of Pantone.  It seems we will be seeing a great deal of pink this upcoming year for when a color is announced~trends follow.  Can't help feeling better about 2011 with my new rose-colored glasses.
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