It seems that when one has a built-in endorsement of a famous family member, a little bit of ambition & can go a long way. I use this term, coattails, with sincerely envy. If only.....need I say more. Money does make money. I think not having an old family bank or reputation makes the whole creative process that much tougher, not the creating but the recognition of your creation, whatever that may be. When big dough is backing you, the emperor can be wearing Versace. You know the story right? The emperor really isn't wearing anything at all! Bare naked, though everyone is oohing & aahing over his fabulous ensemble... I will not take the fact that many of my coattail envy inspirations are truly talented & deserve their place in the world of creation, but wasn't it easier being them?
Now that this is said, how will I make my mark all by my little lonesome? This is what I am working on and would love your input.
Here are some of my favorite coattailers:
[I say this will love, admiration & yes envy in the most wonderful way imagined...] A next lifetime or perhaps a past...
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