I am now looking to redefine myself from a full-time Mom & a team player of a family who now also needs to provide a paycheck to the empty pot. How? I am working on it, but do not have a real clue. I decided this past Wednesday morning I needed to do something. I began responding to adds on Craigslist, 3 precisely. I got an interview from one of them. They want to hire me. Is working evenings & weekends ok? Is it ok with me? NO! This is the conclusion I keep coming up with. no. no. & no again.
Next on the train to somewhere: finding a temp agency that caters to Moms. I was lucky enough to find one. Will they match me up? http://www.eliteassist.net/
Where is all this guilt coming from? Check out this article: Kids No worse for the Where? Not quite the title though it fits for me. "Where's Mommy?, I miss you Mommy! I want time with you Mommy." I can just hear these words & a million more running through my own head, oh the guilty, oh the anxiety.
Please share your ideas, thoughts & God Willing, solutions.
It is a mindset... set your mind and then go do it. No need to feel guilty! Work outside your home if that is were you need to be for whatever the reason. BUT find the RIGHT fit. You don't have to take just any job. At least that is what I keep telling myself. Have you ever heard of the "good enough mother"? I read the term in a Mothering magazine editorial a few years ago. It stuck with me. Stay in tune with your child and your home. As a mom I try to remember that my life and choices are not about only me anymore - others depend on me. Thanks for the link to the temp agency!!
I think there are quite a few of you out there.....network and see what the other moms are doing. A lot of entrepreneurial efforts are being tested now...and now is the best time for that; as you will find out...there's not much out there to 'find' as far as jobs go. Full time motherhood is fast becoming a fairy tale...
I think human beings can be creatures of guilt and mothers even more-so. A mother-child attachment reaches to our very core. Leaving for work is tough, but it gets easier. As with most things, I think moderation is the key. A part time job allows you to spread your time to where you are needed. It brings home some money without full time "abandonment" issues. Shoot for the ideal first, see what part time positions are out there. If you find something that is a good fit for you, you might be willing to change to full time status there later. Just a thought.
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